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and more resilient business

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STAFF RETENTION + workplace culture

Save yourself in training and onboarding costs by making your workplace a space people are excited to work at.

CEO support

Our Chelmsford Consultant has been a CEO for 14 years. Learn what makes a great CEO, or how to take the next step in becoming one.


How to set up, train and put in place a successful Hosting program within the NDIS’s ILO funding.

Organisational structures

Advice and consulting on the structure of your organisation, and how best to maximise relationships within your team.

strategic planning

Everything you need to know about planning your business for success.

self-directed work teams

Learn how to encourage and inspire teams to work independently, and remove micro-management.



robert holmes

Robert (Rob) has recently retired as CEO after an enjoyable journey of fourteen years within the Not-For-Profit sector. Over the past 43 years, he has amassed an extensive background in education, government, and business.

Rob added to his experiential learning when studying for a Masters in Leadership & Management at Curtin University. After owning successful businesses in retail, manufacturing and hospitality (with a strong interest in business development), Rob turned his sights to the not-for-profit sector. Fourteen years as CEO of a NFP organisation in Western Australian in the disability sector provided Rob with a wealth of learning and experience.

Time spent in Indonesia, at the invitation of the Commonwealth Government and funded by the World Bank, added to his varied background. Robert has served on several Boards, and continues this voluntary work today, sitting on a regional housing provider’s Board.

"I am passionate about passing on my knowledge to build stronger organisations, whether they be in the Not-For-Profit or For-Profit areas."


how we can help you reach your goals
A happy employee sits at a desk working alongside her colleague.


Workplace culture is the foundation of any good business and a good workplace culture has a direct impact on staff retention.
You want staff to stay, and for them to recommend your business to others so that they become interested in working with you.

The loss of staff is expensive financially, but also places unnecessary pressure on your human resource department and staff in general. You also lose corporate knowledge which can take years to acquire.

Chelmsford Consulting can provide proven techniques to build a strong workplace culture and improve your worker retention.

Rob Holmes presenting at an Enable WA end of year report meeting


Having been a CEO for fourteen years and Managing Director of his own businesses for an additional seven years, Robert has a wealth of knowledge to share with CEOs interested in being a transformational leader.

The strategies you'll learn are practical and easily employed. Working with Boards and senior staff can be challenging, but there are some simple strategies to use to strengthen your relationships with these two important groups, along with other stakeholders.

Delegation is critical to helping you improve your job and the workflow within any business, but you also need to know how to manage that delegation. Again, there are several easy to employ strategies that we can share with you at Chelmsford Consulting.

An elderly man and a man with a disability share a joke.NDIS and ILO Hosting consultation available.


Having been a part of the original development of Hosting within Western Australia, Rob Holmes has an in-depth knowledge of how to set up, train and put in place a successful Hosting program within the NDIS’s ILO funding.

Using Rob's methods, you can introduce a step-by-step guide to integrate Hosting into your business and community. The guide includes the documents required to deliver and support a very successful Hosting arrangement.

Hosting is a win – win situation for NDIS participants, Hosts, and the service provider.

a woman points at an organisational chart


How organisations are set up has a direct impact on the efficiency, productivity, quality, and workplace culture. Structures that are unnecessarily loaded and/or complicated can be very costly to your bottom line and can create opportunities for poor communication. It can also provide the perfect opportunity for inefficiencies to develop.  

Organisational structures will evolve and expand, especially when organisations are in growth phases, but not always in a way that is best for the organisation. Having an external review of the structure, providing comment on that structure and offering suggestions for efficiencies, can make an enormous difference to profitability, quality assurance, and workplace culture.

Planning a strategy for your business will allow you to move forward in confidence.


Strategic Plans are undertaken at great costs to organisations only to then be placed on a shelf seldom being referred to. Experience has given Chelmsford Consulting a way to develop a practical, workable strategic plan.

That plan can then be presented in a format that everyone throughout the organisation (including the Board), can understand and work to. The plan’s design also makes it easy to undertake annual reviews.

Windmills in the Netherlands where Rob discovered the guide for self-directed work teams


Robert of Chelmsford spent several years investigating the concept of empowering staff within organisations, in order to provide greater opportunities for decision making, including travelling to the Netherlands to explore how several businesses there were implementing self-directed work teams.

Whilst in the Netherlands, Rob spent time with Buurtzorg (internationally recognised), who have been instrumental in promoting the concept of self-direction around the world. This learning, and that gained from time spent with other businesses, resulted in the development of a hybridised self-directed team’s model for the organisation Rob led. 

The introduction of the model resulted in improved service delivery, cost savings and increased profits due to staff better understanding budgets, and being able to adjust their services to better reflect the needs of their region. This was done within controlled guidelines to ensure the services delivered stayed true to the organisation’s ethos and values, that consistent processes were utilised across the organisation, and that the marketing protected the brand’s image.

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